Top tips for troubleshooting
back problems seen at the clinic are due to weak core strength
in the pelvic girdle, allowing movement away from the norm.
This leads to a change in the spinal position and degeneration
of the vertebrae, a misfiring of the muscles, and muscle
Usual strains that occur are hip flexors
and hamstrings and, of course, pain!
Strengthen with pelvic tilts and low load
core stability.
usual suspects here are tightening of the hip flexors, and/or
the rotator muscles of the femur.
Correction of posture is a must, with
core and glute strengthening exercises such as fitball squats
and hipdips. Proper warm up drills and stretching are a
than impact injuries, knee problems stem from the back and
the feet.
As a quick test: perform squats or squat
jumps in front of a mirror. If your knees roll inwards you
are heading for pain or injury, whether to your tendons,
ligaments or cartilage. Strengthen your glutes and vestus
medialis with correct foot and ankle posture. Stretch properly,
especially the hips, quads and iliotibial band.
We see so many patients with problems
that would not occur if they took the time to stretch so
be warned!
problems include Achilles tendonitis and calf pulls.
A weak footing leads to biomechanical
problems all the way up to the head. Strengthen feet and
ankles frequently by performing toe crunches, heel and toe
walking (i.e. walk on the heels only, then walk on tiptoe
for a few minutes every day).
Stretching and warming up the Achilles
tendon will strengthen it but it can take time up to 12
weeks so dont give up!
Neck and shoulders
weakness in the scapular stabilizers leads to incorrect
biomechanics of the upper body, so reducing mobility of
the shoulders and neck. This causes tension, headaches,
frozen shoulders, impingement of the nerves and soft tissue
to name but a few.
Strengthen by performing scapular rotations.
Start with arms above the head in the Y position, drop shoulder
blades down and so pull arms down into a W position. End
up with elbows tucked in behind back in L position, pull
shoulder blades together then hold. Repeat 10-15 times.
Seasonal Training Tips
The usual injuries include ankle, tibia and calf muscles. Prevent
injury by strengthening with:
- Calf raises and stretches on a step, start
slow, as you get stronger speed up to mimic running
- Step off the step onto heel and keep forefoot
off the floor repeat 10 - 15 times per leg
- Include agility training in drills, e.g.
side stepping, and frequent change of direction
- Ankle bounces and mobilization, bouncing
from foot to foot making heels touch the floor, and rotate ankle.
- Ice after exercise